What I use as my primary camera.
Nikon D200

The question is BMW or Mercedes? Or really what about Audi or Lexus, or any car if it gets you there. The same can kinda go for cameras too. The truth is you can get amazing results with a point and shoot or an DSLR. Trying to decide what type of camera is best for you is really a tough decision. I have students and friends ask me which camera should they get. Most of the time they are talking about DSLR cameras, even if they don’t know what DSLR means. (DSLR-Digital Single Lens Reflex, means the lenses in front of the camera are detachable, usually has a mechanical shutter.) When someone asks me this question, I then ask them what they want to do with the camera. If all you need is something to take photos of your buddies and families then honestly don’t wast your money on an expensive SLR. Get a point and shoot camera that works for your budget. There are so many things to think about with cameras. Its hard to make a choice. If you do want an DSLR camera, for sports, action or a little more hands on controls, then you have to decide which Brand and how much your going to spend. As always the more you spend usually means better components and higher end quality. As SLRs go, I refer to two brands, Cannon and Nikon. This is your BMW/Mercedes. Well again this is my opinion. These two camera companies are great, high end products. You will have reporters and artist alike sit there and tell you that one is better than the other for whatever reason, the truth, its your preference.

I grew up on Nikon, it is familiar to me, I understand its methods. I like its products. The optics are amazing, button layout fits my hands and reasoning. I have used F5, 8008, N90, for 35mm and now D200 for my digital work. I LOVE THEM ALL. Cannon however also has amazing optics and great cameras too. Most of the time I ask the friend who is seeking my advice two questions; Do you already own a camera from that company? (IF you already own lenses, why change keep the lenses and use them on your new Digital SLR if compatible), or Are you going to be asking for my advice or help with the camera later? (Because if you are, I know Nikon like the back of my hand, Cannon, I just don’t know as well. I have only used a few Cannon Cameras.) Once you choose your brand, then choose your camera. Some people might say that is a backwards way of thinking, but honestly, once you stick to a brand you typically don’t change, you may upgrade cameras or whatever but you will stick to that brand.  Look at your budget and whats most important to you. If you are planning on making money, spend a bit more so you can meet the requirements of the jobs your planning on taking. If you are doing this as a hobby, figure out how much its worth to you. Basic Nikon D40 is a small DSLR that takes great images and great quality.

Here is a side note on quality: Mega-pixels are different in each brand of camera, don’t be fooled. One camera may have just as many Megs, but slower processor or not great quality, or Smaller size Sensor. (DX vs FX) These are all things to think about when finding your camera. 10megs- your golden, unless your sole income is Photography, this is max all you need for now. 4meg is about the lowest I would go for any camera these days. This will allow you to print images to about 8×10 or so without having it look to digital. Now if your making big bucks, 24-50megs is your game.

Another thing to get used to is that ever year or so YOUR camera, or equipment is replaced by something cooler, better, faster, and with a new pretty bow. Its always the next best thing that you need. (D3 or the about to be released D3x) Realize that you can’t have it all, and try to remember the joys you had when you opened your camera box up for the first time. Then start saving your money.

IF Nikon D40 is not your style or too wimpy for you. The next camera would be the D90…. Ahh Video, Photo, together at last. This is a cool little camera with lots of options. Parents looking for something special for your kid who is interested in making it big as a photographer, D90. (trying to help out my students) Great Camera lots of cool features.

D300 and above- You need to be to the point where money is rolling in before you make these purchases. They are great cameras, strong bodies, great features, but they do wear out, and if you remember the 3 year rule, are you willing to invest 1500 or more for something that will only last 2-3 years. That is a deep question for you and your spouse to figure out.  I now will have to ask my Fiance anytime I need to purchase anything.

Remember though you DON’T have to spend this much to get a good camera. I loved my old school Sony cybershots. These point and shoot cameras were fantastic. Point and shoots are perfect for most people, you don’t have to change lenses, buy extra gear, and it small enough to keep in a pocket. Try putting a D3 in your pocket… won’t work. Think about what you really want it for. If you just want a digital to take some photos of friends and while hiking get some beautiful images of the mountains, a good quality point and shoot is all you need.

Hope this helps a bit… most likely I just gave you more options that will confuse you more. Just wait till I start talking about other stuff like film, and equipment… :)

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